What is breathwork?!

Breathwork is a somatic healing modality that uses controlled breathing patterns to shift your mental, emotional, and physical states. Some describe it as an elevated form of meditation that can mirror working with mild psychedelics. The increase of oxygen in the brain allows participants to access an altered state of consciousness safely and naturally, providing them with the opportunity to access new ways of thinking and processing. We love this practice as a way to release! Breathwork slightly activates the nervous system allowing the body to release stagnant energy, and complete our natural processing cycle, without saying a single word.

Benefits of breathwork

  • Regulates the nervous system

  • Increases self-awareness to move towards personal growth

  • Healing trauma that’s stored in the body

  • Emotional catharsis and moving stagnant energy

  • Deep relaxation, stress relief, and improved sleep

  • Increased immune system function

  • Balanced blood pressure, PH levels, and improved alkalinity of blood
    (directly related to stress hormone levels)

About Our offerings:

Our therapist Valerie Davis is a certified breathwork facilitator, and is a Reiki II practitioner. We wanted to expand our holistic offerings even further and be able to provide valuable, body-focused healing for our clients. A session consists of education and intention setting, being guided through a breathwork journey (~40 min), and is closed with time to process what came up for both the participant and the guide. All sessions have the option to have reiki included as well!

Reach out to get your 1:1, couples, or small group breathwork session scheduled; these can be virtual or in person! Also check out our events page for upcoming breathwork events in the Denver Metro area.